I've been thinking about death lately. There's a worldwide pandemic that has killed millions worldwide and over 200,000 in the USA alone. Mainly because of our own stupidity and hubris. Freedom doesn't mean being stupid and killing others because someone chooses not to wear a damn mask.
So there are 200,000 deaths and counting. It seems like doing the simple thing is too hard for a bunch of whiny babies. So there are a bunch of deaths. These deaths are not good in a way that dying in your sleep is a good death. These are painful, labored breathing, and solitary since the family cannot be at the bedside to say good-bye,
I've had friends who have died from strokes and heart attacks and cancer, ALS, Parkinsons, demetia, Alzheimers. I know one person who had a stroke and lived to make a full recovery. She was the exception. A friend is currently in hospice because the cancer is no longer treatable. It's a painful, sad, shitty way to die. Facing an end, knowing it's coming, dealing with pain, and there's nothing to be done.
There's a concept of a Good Life. Someone lived a Good Life. There should be a concept of a Good Death. Not in a Viking or Samurai or Klingon kind of Good Death in battle, but one that is quick, painless. Passing away in your sleep is a good death. You go to sleep and slip the earthly bonds.
Humans are humane to animals that have cancer and put them to sleep. It's the compassionate thing to do. But we don't have the same compassion to allow the same for humans. The reasoning is muddled in my mind. They will be afraid. It's murder. God wouldn't want it. It's against God's will. God wants me to suffer from cancer and be in excruciating pain? Kind of a cruel god.
What death would I like? I don't want to be in failing health, weak, unable to get around, ruing my fate, unable to do the simplest things I do now without thinking. I'd rather go younger, a bright flash of light and I'm gone. Is it lightening? Death my misadventure? Those are usually quick. An exclamation of "Oh fuck!" and I'm gone.