Friday, November 21, 2014

Politics Rant

Democrats lost in the mid term elections. By a pretty big margin. I don't understand why people vote against their best interests. Do they really think the GOP will do anything to make the government work? Of course not. They are the ones who broke it. They decided from day on of the Obama presidency to do nothing to help the president. They did everything short of treason to hurt the president. And by having the government do nothing they hurt the nation.

If the president said he liked Puppies and thought they were cute, the GOP would declare puppies to be evil and must be banned. It's nuts and pathological. How can a party be so filled with hate that they can't even see straight? Anything the president has done that a GOP president had also done is now wrong. Um? Excuse me? Can you explain the logic to that? Because it was you it was ok, now someone else does it it's evil and wrong. What are you 2? That is the logic of a selfish child.

Immigration!!! Something must be done!!! Ok. A bill got sent from the Senate to the House where it has languished for over 500 days. I thought you wanted to  do something about immigration. You are a bunch of assholes who can't tell the truth about anything. Everything is spun in the bubble of Obama is evil, wrong, Kenyan, socialist, marxist, (black).

After mid terms there were flowery speeches by Mr Turtle and the Orange Man about how they would try to work together. 2 days later the war resumed. The president is "Poisoning the well." "Waving a red flag in front of a bull."

First off, the well was poisoned day one when the GOP decided to destroy the president even if they must take the country with him. "Our first goal is to make him a one term president." Great goal Mr. Turtle. You failed. But they still didn't do anything to help the country.

Waving a red flag in front of a bull. Think about that. The president is a matador, and the GOP by their own admission, is a large stupid enraged animal that, at the end of the bull fight, gets killed. Where are the fucking picadors to bleed the bull out before the president stabs it in the heart?

Voters also make me wonder. They think the president is wrong. 55 months of job growth after the financial collapse of  2008. The stock market is over 17,000. It's 3 times what it was in 2008. Gas is under $3 in most of the nation. And Obama gets blamed for... What?

Voters are unsatisfied with their lives? So they vote in a bunch of assholes who plan to destroy the country for 2 years until the 2016 election when the senate will flip back to democrats.

Are we that fucking stupid?


President Obama compliments John Boehner on his nose. John Boehner cuts his own nose off.
And kills a puppy.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Mid Term Elections

Today is the day to vote. Finally. The silence of the television without vitriolic political ads will be blissful.

I understand that roughly 50% of the nation is Democrats, and 50% is roughly GOP. What I have never understood is why 49% of the GOP actually vote for the GOP. They are concerned with the 1% of the nation who are millionaires and billionaires. The policies the GOP advocate are for them. The GOP do things for the advantage of the super rich and to the detriment of the 99%, not to mention the planet.

Voting for the GOP is like having a wooden house and hiring a person to work in your house who is a pyromaniac wearing a lit flame thrower. You know he wants to burn the house down. And you ave him access  to your place. The GOP/TP don't care about the country. They want to burn it down. Why would you vote for them? It makes no sense.

The political ads on TV for the last 3 months are name calling and saying that the other guy is a shitbag lying son of a bitch. But that doesn't tell me anything other than you have no respect for your adversary. My main question is, what do you want to do? Do you have any aspirational ideas? Or is it political name calling? Do you have a plan, any plan, or is it just "I'm better than that fucker."

The democrats need to grow a spine. If you look where the country was in 2008 and where it is now, it's a huge improvement. It might not be a chicken in every pot and a car in every garage perfection of the 1950's, but it beats Europe by a long shot. They did austerity. We did growth. And it wasn't even a huge stimulus program. It was modest because it couldn't get past the GOP otherwise.

The stock market is 2 times what it was in 2008. The jobs lost in the recession came back for the most part. Why are the Dems not trumpeting that? If  the GOP has a successful shit they take a picture of it in the bowl and put it on Fox. Democrats, be proud of not destroying the country. You saved it. You got healthcare passed in the country. The GOP want to tear it out despite that it was modeled on a GOP program. Anything the black muslim communist socialist kenyan usurping president must be destroyed.

The GOP Congress should be ashamed of the obstruction they willfully did which hurt the nation so they could help their party. What a bunch of selfish douchebags. They are the 3 year olds of politics throwing tantrums in Target. And they might get rewarded by taking over the Senate today. The thing is, they will get nothing accomplished. All the obstruction they did will now be returned. They will need 60 votes to get any bill to the floor for even a fucking discussion. Just like what they did for the past 6 years. They will try to get all their pro business anti-environment, anti-people, anti-Earth ideas passed. And the Dems will stop them.

It's stupid to have this kind of gridlock. They hurt the country out of spite. What is bad is they keep getting re-elected. Congress, the House and Senate, have a lower approval rating than Herpes. A STD has a higher approval rating than our elected officials. So we should vote them out and vote in Herpes. But in a way, they are Herpes. They never go away and they flare up from time to time with horrific results.

I think the nation would be well served if the GOP congress and senate were to take a bus trip... off a cliff to their fiery demise.

But with the GOP voters growing older and older, they will die out and become irrelevant.