So a way has been found to send people and machines back in time 85 million years. Dinosaurs are still around and interacting with people. They were there first of course.
So... Wouldn't the discovery of modern human skulls that are 85 million years fuck up science just in general? Or rather, if the people sent back in time actually survived, wouldn't that fuck up the future they are from? Not that modern man who has only been around for about 10-15,000 years would be able to survive 85 million years to actually screw up the timeline they came from. And the meteor which wiped out the dinosaurs happened 65 million years ago. So you go back in time to save humanity, and then face extinction again. Ok, in 20 million years, but you see what I'm saying? The logic of all this is kind of crazy.
I need to see the show, but the premise is a bit nutty. I wonder how they deal with these and the other logic problems. This may be a moot point since it is a chance to have dinosaurs chase humans in the jungle. It's all just good fun. Unless you are eaten.